
Preemie Hat Tutorial

 Hook H-5mm
Bernat Waverly Baby Yarn

Chain 4, slip stitch to make ring.
Row 1:  Chain 2 ( counts as your first stitch) 9 DC into ring (10 stitches)

Row 2:  Chain 2, turn (optional, I like to turn my work so you can't see the line where you joined your round) 2 DC into each stitch around.  (20 stitches) Slip stitch to join.

Row 3:  Chain 2, Turn, *2 DC into next stitch, 1 DC into the next 2 stitches. Repeat from * all the way around. You have to "fudge it" at the last stitch to make it a perfect repeat.  (28 stitches, It ends up being 2 DC in the last2 stitches.)

 It's a little odd but it works out.

Row 4:  Chain 2, turn, *2 DC into the next stitch, 1 DC into the next 3 stitches, repeat at * all the way around,  join.  (35 stitches)

Row 5:  1 DC in each stitch around, join.
6-8:  Chain 2, turn, skip first stitch and crochet 2 DC into second stitch from standing chain, Skip stitch and repeat DC cluster all around.  In the last DC cluster you only need one DC and you connect to your standing chain.

Row 9:  Chain 1, turn, 1 SC in each stitch around, join and fasten off.  Weave in any ends.

Now you can play with it.  Add flowers, hearts, ears or anything to dress it up.  Make a bunch and donate them to your local hospital.

Here is the link for the HEART I used.

I made a few a bit larger and a solid DC version of the pattern above as well.


  1. After row 1, do you sl st to join? And I'm not sure what you mean by turn in row 2. Please help!

    1. Hello, yes you slip stitch to join. Then turn your work - Meaning tun the circle around so you are now working in the other direction. The front of the circle is now the back.

      Let me know if I can help with anything else.
