
Teething Crib Bumper

 I saved Mr T's crib from his alter ego the teething monster today!

I was looking online for a product that would save the cribs railing and didn't see anything I really liked.  So I googled the DIY methods and saw how easy it would be.  So I got right to it today and made a simple Minkey cover

 It was three simple steps.

1- Measure the railing, mine was 53" So I cut a rectangle out measuring 59"x8" and cut 3"x1" out of each end.  I layed some batting down the center and pinned it to the minkey.
2- Fold in the minkey and bind it to the edge of the batting. I also sewed a zig zag stitch quilting the layers together.
3- Measure the spacing of the rails for the ties and pin and sew them in place.  

Bing bang boom the railing cover is a perfect fix!  The bows didn't last long, Mr.T had them all untied in seconds.  So ended up tucking the extra ribbon into the cover.